There are 3 Josiah Lock(e)s born in Chester, S.C. from 1830 to 1840. They are NOT the same person, as you will see below, but it is very likely that all 3 are related. It was very common for family names to get used again & bestowed on grandchildren, sons, nephews, etc. I think this will prove to be the case with these 3 Josiah Lockes. Additionally, a older Josias Lock dies in Chester, S.C. between 1820-1830 (as he is listed in 1810 & 1820 census but not after 1820), so it is very possible that all 3 were named in honor of this recently deceased relative.
Note: Click on the census images to see them larger
Josiah Lock #1
Son of Joseph & Mary Lock & grandson of the above mentioned Josias Lock. Husband of Elizabeth McClellan. Born in 1830 & dies in 1868. Moved to Meigs, TN as a teenager. This is the Josiah Lock of whom Kate Locke is a descendant. He is living in Meigs, TN in 1850 & 1860.
1850 & 1860 Meigs, TN census
Josiah Lock #2
Son of Levi Lock & Ruth Reeves. Ruth Reeves or Rives is the half-sister of Josiah #1 [see this post on Mary Culp Rives Lock]. Stepson of Malinda Shurley Lock, whom Levi married after Ruth's death. Born in 1839. He is living in York, SC in 1850 & 1860.
1850 & 1860 York, SC census
Josiah Lock #3
Son of Mary & Benjamin Lock [more to come later]. Husband of Dorothy White. Born in 1834 & killed on June 17, 1864 in VA as a Confederate soldier. He is living in Chester, SC in 1850 & 1860.
1850 & 1860 Chester, SC census: In 1850 Josiah is living with his mother, while in 1860 he is listed with his wife & daughter.