There are 3 Josiah Lock(e)s born in Chester, S.C. from 1830 to 1840. They are NOT the same person, as you will see below, but it is very likely that all 3 are related. It was very common for family names to get used again & bestowed on grandchildren, sons, nephews, etc. I think this will prove to be the case with these 3 Josiah Lockes. Additionally, a older Josias Lock dies in Chester, S.C. between 1820-1830 (as he is listed in 1810 & 1820 census but not after 1820), so it is very possible that all 3 were named in honor of this recently deceased relative.
Note: Click on the census images to see them larger
Josiah Lock #1
Son of Joseph & Mary Lock & grandson of the above mentioned Josias Lock. Husband of Elizabeth McClellan. Born in 1830 & dies in 1868. Moved to Meigs, TN as a teenager. This is the Josiah Lock of whom Kate Locke is a descendant. He is living in Meigs, TN in 1850 & 1860.
1850 & 1860 Meigs, TN census
Josiah Lock #2
Son of Levi Lock & Ruth Reeves. Ruth Reeves or Rives is the half-sister of Josiah #1 [see this post on Mary Culp Rives Lock]. Stepson of Malinda Shurley Lock, whom Levi married after Ruth's death. Born in 1839. He is living in York, SC in 1850 & 1860.
1850 & 1860 York, SC census
Josiah Lock #3
Son of Mary & Benjamin Lock [more to come later]. Husband of Dorothy White. Born in 1834 & killed on June 17, 1864 in VA as a Confederate soldier. He is living in Chester, SC in 1850 & 1860.
1850 & 1860 Chester, SC census: In 1850 Josiah is living with his mother, while in 1860 he is listed with his wife & daughter.
Is there temple work I can do for any of these names?
Thanks for this information and for continuing to look. We are trying hard to learn the new.familysearch site. Pretty cool! The new one coming out the beginning of the year is going to be even better! jan
The temple work is being done on Josiah #2 & his family already (B&C done this last week). Josiah #3 is likely related, but I'm still searching for his father. This is somewhat difficult since his father died before 1850 & is not listed on any census with the family. I'm hoping to find something later this summer when I go up to Chester.
Kristen (Daughter of David, GreatGranddaughter of Kate Locke)
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